Online Open House CUSV 2/25/2023 4 – 5:30pm

CUSV is nationally accredited and offer I-20 for international students. Attendee will receive up to $300 admission waiver!
We will share with you the insight of TCM career and how CUSV can help you with your career planning.
You will learn how to apply for the CUSV Master of Acupuncture with a Chinese herbal medicine specialization program (MAcCHM) in the Q&A session.
Note: The name of Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine program will be changed to Master of Acupuncture with a Chinese herbal medicine specialization program (MAcCHM) from 1/1/2024 on.
如果您對 CUSV中醫碩士班 MAcCHM與職涯規劃有興趣, 並想了解如何申請,千萬別錯過這次的線上活動!
參加者將獲得高達 300 美元的入學申請費減免!

#I-20 #Chinese Medicine #TCM #MAcCHM #Chinese Medicine degree #Health #CUSV #California University Silicon Valley #Chinese herbs #Chinese Herbal Medicine specialization