加州大学硅谷CUSV为全美国认证,可为留学生颁发 I-20
如果您对 CUSV中医硕士班 MAcCHM与职涯规划有兴趣,并想了解如何申请,千万别错过这次的线上活动!
参加者将获得高达 300 美元的入学申请费减免!
We will share with you the insight of TCM career and how CUSV can help you with your career planning.
You will learn how to apply for the CUSV Master of Acupuncture with a Chinese herbal medicine specialization program (MAcCHM) in the Q&A session.
Attendee will receive up to $300 admission waiver!
MAcCHM #加州大学硅谷 #CUSV #中医硕士班 #美国中医硕士班 #加州中医硕士班